为践行习近平总书记关于构建 “人类卫生健康共同体”理念,助推云南面向南亚东南亚辐射中心建设,由云南省人民政府主办,云南省教育厅、云南省人民政府外事办公室、云南省卫生健康委员会和昆明医科大学承办的“中国-南亚卫生健康论坛暨第2届南亚东南亚医学教育与医疗卫生联盟大会”拟定于2022年11月2日下午在昆明举办,本次大会作为第3届“中国-南亚合作论坛”分论坛,将以“挑战 机遇 创新 合作--高质量医学教育和医疗卫生体系构建”为主题。
The China-South Asia Health Forum and 2nd Conference of the South and Southeast Asia Medical Education and Service Alliance hosted by People’s Government of Yunnan Province and organized by Yunnan Provincial Department of Education, Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Yunnan Province, Health Commission of Yunnan Province and Kunming Medical University is about to be held on 2 November, 2022, which will be a practice to build a global community of health for all initiated by President Xi Jinping and promote the cooperation between Yunnan Province and South and Southeast Asian countries. This conference with the theme of “Challenge, Opportunity, Innovation and Cooperation -- Building a Quality Medical Education and Healthcare System” will be one of sub- forums of China-South Asia Cooperation Forum.
2019年,昆明医科大学与上海交通大学医学院共同发起成立南亚东南亚医学教育与医疗卫生联盟,旨在推动中国和南亚东南亚国家有关医学院校和医疗机构在医学教育和医疗卫生领域的交流合作。联盟成立三年来,在各成员单位的鼎力支持、关心和积极参与下,规模不断壮大, 影响力不断提升,交流合作日趋紧密,现已汇集中国和南亚东南亚国家的51所成员院校。联盟被纳入中国和云南省面向南亚东南亚国家合作机制,成为推动中国与南亚东南亚国家在医学人才培养和临床诊疗服务领域交流合作的重要平台。
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